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[:id]Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Mengenal Salah Satu Bioindustri Terkemuka di Indonesia[:en]Bioengineering Study Program Excursion to PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Perceiving a Major Player in Indonesia’s Bioindustry[:]

[:id]Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Mengenal Salah Satu Bioindustri Terkemuka di Indonesia[:en]Bioengineering Study Program Excursion to PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Perceiving a Major Player in Indonesia’s Bioindustry[:]

[:id]Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Mengenal Salah Satu Bioindustri Terkemuka di Indonesia[:en]Bioengineering Study Program Excursion to PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta: Perceiving a Major Player in Indonesia’s Bioindustry[:]

[:id]Penulis : Delia Rahma, S.T.

RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID, JATINANGOR–Dalam upaya memperluas wawasan mahasiswa Prodi Rekayasa Hayati terhadap bioindustri, menjalin jejaring prodi dengan bioindustri dan mempromosikan Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB kepada bioindustri di Indonesia, pada hari Senin, 6 November 2017 lalu, Prodi Rekayasa Hayati telah melakukan Kunjungan Industri menuju PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta yang berlokasi di area Kawasan Industri Cibitung, Bekasi, Jawa Barat dengan membawa 24 orang mahasiswa. Rombongan dipimpin oleh Ketua Prodi Rekayasa Hayati, Dr. Erly Marwani.

Haldin Pacific Semesta adalah industri yang bergerak di bidang pemrosesan bahan baku menjadi bahan baku siap pakai melalui pemberian nilai tambah pada suatu bahan baku mentah. PT. Haldin memiliki produk berupa essens, essentrat, ekstrak, konsentrat, dan produk-produk hasil spray drying berupa bubuk (powder) yang memiliki kualitas tinggi. Produk-produk PT. Haldin dapat dibagi dalam 8 kategori, yaitu: (1) Tea & Coffee; (2) Functional Ingredients; (3) Essential Oil; (4) Cocoa & Vanilla; (5) Honey & Coconut; (6) Fruit & Vegetable; (7) Seasoning Ingredients; dan (8) Cosmetic & Care Ingredients. Alat-alat utama yang digunakan untuk proses produksi meliputi spinning cone columnspray dryer, alat distilasi, dan extractor.

Rombongan mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati ITB diterima oleh pihak perusahaan dan disajikan materi presentasi dari Commercial Director dan R&D (Research and Development) and Project Team. Pada presentasi yang diberikan oleh Bapak Andry selaku Commercial Director PT. Haldin, dijelaskan bahwa PT. Haldin memiliki lima situs manufaktur di Indonesia: tiga situs berupa pabrik ekstraksi cairan dan bubuk, satu situs berupa pabrik yang memproduksi produk-produk berbasis kelapa, dan satu situs untuk persiapan bahan. PT. Haldin sudah melakukan ekspor produk ke 53 negara yang tersebar di lima benua. Mitra petani PT. Haldin pun tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, yang mendukung PT. Haldin dalam mendapatkan suplai komoditas dengan kualitas tinggi. Pada presentasi yang diberikan oleh Bapak Rizky Istofa dan Bapak Marzuki sebagai perwakilan dari R&D and Project Team, dijelaskan proses produksi dari beberapa produk PT. Haldin, yaitu produk-produk dari jahe dan vanilla, serta prinsip dan cara kerja alat-alat yang dipakai.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

Setelah itu, rombongan diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan tur pabrik dan laboratorium, dengan sebelumnya diberikan Safety Induction oleh Bapak Angger Mahamafrudho sebagai perwakilan dari Quality Assurance Team. Tur pabrik dan laboratorium menjadi kegiatan yang paling diminati rombongan. Pada tur pabrik dan laboratorium, rombongan diajak untuk melihat bentuk, merasakan aroma, bahkan mencicipi rasa dari produk-produk essens, ekstrak, dan bubuk produksi PT. Haldin, mulai dari produk teh, kopi, rempah-rempah, essential oil, coklat, vanilla, madu, kelapa, powder berbagai buah-buahan dan sayuran, hingga produk-produk PT. Haldin yang sudah diaplikasikan menjadi produk skincare dan bodycare. Rombongan pun disuguhi minuman bajigur dan green coffee latte dingin sebagai aplikasi produk jahe dan green coffee dari PT. Haldin.

Setelah melakukan tur, mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk berdiskusi dan melakukan tanya jawab dengan perwakilan PT. Haldin. Antusiasme mahasiswa tercermin dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan mulai dari sistem produksi yang terjadi di PT. Haldin hingga mengenai strategi bisnis perusahaan. Acara kunjungan diakhiri dengan pemberian souvenir dari masing-masing pihak, dan foto bersama.

Diskusi antara PT. Haldin dengan mahasiswa rombongan ITB berjalan secara kondusif dan menyenangkan. Mahasiswa terlihat menemukan atmosfer akademik yang baru dalam belajar Rekayasa Hayati, karena mereka dapat belajar dari pelaku industri dan melihat langsung dunia kerja di industri berbasis sumber hayati, seperti di PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta ini.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

Dengan adanya program ini, diharapkan relasi antara pihak Prodi Rekayasa Hayati ITB dengan bioindustri, khususnya PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta, dapat terus terjalin dan bermanfaat bagi kedua belah pihak.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta[:en]Writer : Delia Rahma, S.T.

RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID, JATINANGOR–In an effort to bring new insights to its students, the Biological Engineering Department of SITH ITB conducts an excursion to PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta on 6 November 2017. This trip also function to increase the nation’s bioindustry awareness to the department. The trip took 24 students to the company’s location at the Cibitung Industrial Region, Bekasi, Western Java along with the Head of Department, Dr. Erly Marwani.

Haldin Pacific Semesta is an industry involves in raw materials processing, giving an added value to the materials. The company produces essences, essentrates, extracts, concentrates, and other high-quality products of spray drying processes. The products are divided into eight categories: (1) Tea & Coffee, (2) Functional Ingredients, (3) Essential Oils, (4) Cocoa & Vanilla, (5) Honey & Coconut, (6) Fruit & Vegetables, (7) Seasoning Ingredients, and (8) Cosmetic & Care Ingredients. The main equipments used by the company in its production are spinning cone column, spray dryer, distillation towers, and extractors.

The visiting group was welcomed by the company and given a presentation by the Commercial Director and R&D (Research and Development) and Project Team. In the presentation, given by Mr. Andry as the company’s Commercial Director, explains that PT. Haldin has five manufacturing sites in Indonesia: three of them are liquids and powders extraction site, one focuses on coconut-based products, and the other is material preparation site. The company has already contributing the nation’s exports by serving to over 53 countries in five continents. PT. Haldin also has many partners all around the country to supply the company with the highest quality raw materials. In the presentation given by Mr. Rizky Istofa and Mr. Marzuki as the representatives of the R&D and Project Team, the production processes and some of the products of the company was described; the products include ginger and vanilla-derived products and the basic principle and mechanisms of the used equipments.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

Following the presentation, the group was given a tour of the factory and the laboratory. A safety induction was given beforehand by Mr. Angger Mahamafrudho as the representative from the Quality Assurance Team. As seen by the enthusiasm of the students, it was the most awaited part of the excursion. During the tour, the group was given the chance to see, smell, even taste the final essence, extract, and powder products of the company; from tea, coffee, spices, essential oils, chocolate, vanilla, honey, coconut, to various fruits and vegetables-based products. They were also given the final skincare and bodycare products. Later on, the group was treated to bajigur (native Sundanese drink made of coconut milk, brown sugar, and ginger), and cold green coffee latte as examples of the companies ginger and green coffee-based products.

After the tour, the students were invited to a discussion and Q&A session with the company’s representatives. Their enthusiasm palpable, as can be seen from the questions. The topics of the question ranging from production system of the company to their business strategies. The last event of the day is gift-changing between the Biological Engineering department representative and the company, followed with photo session.

The discussion between PT. Haldin and the students went along smoothly. The students found a new perspective in the academic and learning condition within the department. They were given first-hand experience of the industry, as seen in PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta

With this excursion program, it is hoped that the relations between the Biological Engineering department and the bioindustry, specifically PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta, will continue and bring benefits to both parties.

Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta Ekskursi Prodi Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB ke PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta[:]

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