Ketua Prodi Sarjana Rekayasa Hayati SITH ITB
Video Profil Program Studi Sarjana Rekayasa Hayati SITH-ITB

Sertifikat Akreditasi
The Bioengineering study program is an interdisciplinary science and engineering that can be applicable in the engineering of production systems using biological agents such as plants, microbes, and animals to produce high-value bio-products using the biorefinery concept. The biorefinery concept includes production systems, technologies, and processes that can optimize raw materials, minimize waste, and maximize profits for sustainable biorefinery development. biorefinery. The biorefinery concept includes production systems, technologies, and processes that can optimize raw materials, minimize waste, and maximize profits for sustainable biorefinery development.
The Requisition of Bio-engineers
The rapid development of Science and Technology over the past few decades to optimize tropical natural resources based on local wisdom in order to meet the needs of bioindustry in Indonesia requires the development of bioengineering to improve the efficiency and productivity of biological agents on an industrial scale. To support this, mastery of engineering science is needed, especially those related to the design of biological production systems by applying the concept of biorefinery.
Therefore, there is a need for Bioengineers with special competence in bio-production system engineering to produce various bioproducts such as bioenergy, biomaterials, bioactive compounds and various other high-value products.
Body of Knowledge
Bio-engineering is interdisciplinary: merupakan interdisiplin:
- Basic knowledge of Engineering
- Basic knowledge of Life Sciences
- Application of Engineering principles in the engineering of bio-product-based production systems