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[:id]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA ke Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati SITH-ITB[:en]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA [:]

[:id]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA ke Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati SITH-ITB[:en]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA [:]

[:id]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA ke Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati SITH-ITB[:en]Customer Visit PT SARTONET FILTRASI INDONESIA [:]

[:id]Penulis : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.

Foto Bersama Alumni Rekayasa Hayati (M. Gidry Abdurazzak BE 13 (kiri) dan Widya Pratiwi BE 11 (kanan)) dengan Kaprodi Rekayasa Hayati (tengah)

JATINANGOR, RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID  Hari Kamis tanggal 29 Maret 2018, bertempat di Gedung Labtek 1A Kampus ITB Jatinangor, Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati menerima tamu dari PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia, agen resmi Sartorius Stedim Biotech yang merupakan perusahaan penyedia perlengkapan dan instrumen laboratorium dan industri bioproses asal Jerman. Kunjungan ini dilakukan dalam rangka Customer Visit yaitu perusahaan mengunjungi institusi atau perusahaan lain yang berpotensi menjadi pelanggan PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia. Adapun pihak perusahaan diwakili oleh dua karyawan yang sekaligus merupakan alumni Rekayasa Hayati yaitu Widya Pratiwi (BE 2011) dan M. Gidry Abdurrazak (BE 2013).

Berawal dari berkembanganya keilmuan Bioengineering yang kian pesat saat ini, pihak PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia melihat program studi Rekayasa Hayati sebagai mitra potensial dalam menunjang kebutuhan sumber daya manusia di bidang bioindustri di masa depan. Menurut PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia, dalam mencapai hal tersebut tentu harus didukung oleh pemberian wawasan kepada mahasiswa dan pengadaan fasilitas yang memadai. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan ini 2 alumni Rekayasa Hayati mengadakan knowledge sharing dan kerjasama pengadaan produk yang dapat digunakan untuk menunjang penelitian dan kegiatan pembelajaran di prodi Rekayasa Hayati.

“Potensi keilmuan Bioengineering sedang berkembang pesat. Namun, secara fasilitas dan wawasan industri, kami melihat prodi Rekayasa Hayati masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Karena itu kami sebagai alumni tergerak untuk memberikan sumbangsih ke almamater kami dengan berbagi ilmu dan menawarkan teknologi ke prodi RH ini,” ujar Gidry.

Kehadiran perusahaan yang bergerak di segmen Bioprocess Solution dan Lab Products & Services ini, disambut baik oleh Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh, Ketua Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati. Di sesi presentasi, pihak perusahaan diberikan kesempatan untuk memaparkan produk-produk PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia. Alat dan instrumen yang dipasarkan oleh perusahaan meliputi hampir seluruh bagian hulu dan hilir proses produksi pada industri Biopharmaceutical. Namun, perusahaan menekankan penjelasan pada produk di bagian Bioprocess Solution yang menurutnya sesuai dengan keilmuan Rekayasa Hayati. Produk tersebut diataranya produk bioreaktor, filter dan instrumen ultrafiltrasi.

Dalam kunjungan ini, dua alumni juga menawarkan sesi knowledge sharing kepada mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati yang dapat dilakukan saat perkuliahan. Tawaran tersebut tentu direspon positif oleh pihak program studi dan rencananya, kuliah tamu akan diselenggarakan di dua mata kuliah Rekayasa Hayati yaitu Prinsip-Pinsip Pemisahan Bioproduk dan Tugas Akhir II (Pra-rancangan Sistem Produksi Hayati) yang materinya sangat terkait erat dengan alat dan instrumen yang ditawarkan oleh pihak PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia. Kuliah tamu ini diharapkan dapat mendukung riset dan proses pembelajaran mahasiswa di program studi Rekayasa Hayati.

Kesan dan harapan pun kemudian disampaikan oleh Ketua Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati.

“Saya sangat senang dan mengapresiasi niat baik alumni Rekaysa Hayati yang bersedia berkunjung ke almamater untuk berbagi ilmu dan wawasan dengan adik-adik tingkatnya. Saya berharap mahasiswa Rekasaya Hayati akan mendapatkan pencerahan terkait alat dan instrumentasi bioseparasi yang umum digunakan di bioindustri. Semoga kedepannya akan lebih banyak lagi alumni yang berkunjung ke almameter untuk berkontrbusi mengembangkan program studi Rekayasa Hayati  untuk menjadikannya lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi,” jelas Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh.[:en]Penulis : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.

JATINANGOR, RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID On Thursday, March 29th 2018, located in Labtek 1A ITB Jatinangor, PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia paid a visit to ITB’s Bioengineering Department. Pt Sartonet Filtrasi is an official agent of Sartorius Stedim Biotech which is a company that provides laboratory tools and instruments from Germany. This visit occurred in occasion of “Customer Visit”, an event where PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia visits an institution or other industries that have the potential to be a customer of PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia. Furthermore, PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia’s visit was represented by the employers who happened to be alumni of the Bioengineering program, Widya Pratiwi (BE 2011) and M. Gidry Abdurazzak (BE 2013).

Because of the rapid growth of the Bioengineering discipline, PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia sees the Bioengineering department as a potential partner to support the requirement of human resources in the field of Bio industries, especially in the future.  According to PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia, to reach that said partnership, there needs to be an effort to provide students with insight as well as adequate facilities. For that reason, the 2 alumni of ITB’s Bioengineering program took a chance to hold a “knowledge sharing” session and work together with ITB to provide products that are able to bolster classes and research held by the Bioengineering program.

“Bioengineering discipline is developing rapidly. However, in terms of facilities and its perception about industries, we see that the Bioengineering department still has long ways to go. Because of that matter, we, as alumni, are driven to contribute to our almamater by providing knowledge and technology to this department.” Said Gidry.

The company’s presence, one which moves forward in “Bioprocess Solution and Lab Products & Services”, was introduced by Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh, the Head of the Bioengineering Department. During his presentation, PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia got a chance to explain their products. The tools and instruments that are sold by the company includes almost all of the tools and instruments that are imperative in the Biopharmaceutical Industry, from beginning to end. However, the company emphasized on the products related to the Bioprocess Solution part of the processa part which is complementary to Bioengineering. The aforementioned products include Bioreactor, filter, and an instrument of ultrafiltration.

During this visit, the two alumni offered a “knowledge sharing” session for the students of the Bioengineering department that is planned to be held during school hours. That offer instantly received positive responses from the Bioengineering department. The session is planned to be held during two classes, Principles of Bio separation and Thesis-II. The classes are strongly related to the tools and instruments that are offered by PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia. This guest lecture is expected to support research and learning process of the students in the Bioengineering program.

At the end of the visit, the head of the Bioengineering Department gave a few words.

“I am very happy and very appreciative of the Bioengineering alumni’s good intent to visit their almamater to share various knowledge and experiences with the students in the Bioengineering program. I hope that the current students will gain insight about the Bio separation tools and instruments that are commonly used in Biondustries. I hope that in the future, more alumni will come to visit their almamater to contribute to develop the Bioengineering program to be better and better,” said Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh.

las Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh.[:]

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