[:id]Introduction to Filtration and Downstream Technology dari PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia pada acara Kuliah Tamu[:en]Introduction to Filtration and Downstream Technology from PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia at the Guest Lecture[:]
[:id]Penulis : Fakhira Rifanti M., S.T.

Foto Bersama Kuliah Tamu dari PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia
SITH.ITB.AC.ID, Jatinangor – Program Studi Rekayasa Hayati melalui mata kuliah Prinsip-Prinsip Pemisahan Bioproduk (BE3204) menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu dengan tema “Introduction to Filtration and Downstream Technology” dalam rangka menambah wawasan mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati tentang aplikasi prinsip Bioseparasi di dunia Bioindustri secara langsung. Kuliah yang diselenggarakan pada Selasa (17/4) ini disampaikan oleh alumni Rekayasa Hayati sendiri, Widya Pratiwi S.T. dan M. Girdy Abdurrazak S.T., yang bekerja di PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia.
Bertempat di Ruang Seminar, Gedung Labtek 1A, Kampus ITB Jatinangor, kuliah tamu dibuka dengan sambutan singkat dari dosen pengampu mata kuliah yaitu Dr. M. Yusuf Abduhdan dilanjutkan dengan presentasi dari alumni selama 1 jam. Di sesi presentasi, dua alumni Rekayasa Hayati mengajak mahasiswa untuk mengenal lebih dalam mengenai 4 materi utama yang diberikan yaitu Overviewproses downstream, Basic of Filtration, An Overview ofMicrofiltration dan Ultrafiltrationdi Industribiopharmaceutical dan pharmaceutical. Di awal kuliah, Widya menjelaskan bahwa proses filtrasi digunakan di semua jenis bioindustri dan proses-proses yang terjadi di textbook cukup berbeda dengan realitas yang terjadi di bioindustri di tahun 2018 saat ini. Beliau juga menekankan pentingnya pemahaman filtrasi yang akan membantu mahasiswa ketika lulus dari program studi dan bekerja baik di bidang produksi, quality control, R&D, marketingatau bidang lainnya di Industri Biotech.

Sesi Presentasi Kuliah Tamu dari Alumni Rekayasa Hayati
Pada penjelasan pertama tentang downstream process di bioindustri, narasumber memberikan gambaran awal mengenai proses konkrit produksi obat di bidangpharmaceuticaldan proses di biopharmaceuticals. Penjelasan ini membantu mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati dalam memahami bahwa untuk menghasilkan suatu produk, terutama bioproduk, penting untuk menggunakan proses filtrasi dan proses keseluruhan tersebut melalui beberapa tahap yang cukup rumit dengan fasilitas yang menunjang. Di materi selanjutnya, Widya menerangkan tentang dasar filtrasi seperti pentingnya mengetahui tujuan pemisahan produk dan alat filtrasi yang sesuai dengan tujuan filtrasi dengan mempertimbangkan ukuran filter dan material membran-nya. Pada penjelasan Microfiltration, narasumber memberikan pengetahuan tentang mekanisme dasar mikrofiltrasi dan material yang digunakan. Widya juga menambahkan bahwa mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati sebaiknya mengetahui 2 tipe material ini sebagai bahan yang digunakan saat melakukan proses pra-rancangan sistem produksi hayati di Tugas Akhir II nanti.
“Yang penting untuk diketahui mahasiswa adalah 2 tipe material yang digunakan yaitu membrane filter dan depth filter. Untuk di Tugas Akhir II, bahannya harus compatible dengan produk yang akan kita ambil”, papar Widya.
Presentasi materi kemudian diakhiri dengan penjelasan konsep Ultrafiltrationdimana Widya memperagakan alat berupa filter cartidge dan filter capsuleuntuk memperlihatkan alat filtrasi yang digunakan secara langsung. Widya pun memberikan penjelasan menarik mengenai alat ini bahwa apa yang ditemukan di buku berbeda dengan yang ada di realita.
“Kalau secara teori, tipe membran yang digunakan di ultrafiltrasi memakai hollow fiber atau spiral wound. Tapi kenyataannya, di industri kita menemukan yang bentuknya kaset. Kaset ini berfungsi memisahkan partikel berdasarkan berat molekul”, jelas Widya.

Sesi Interaktif Kuliah Tamu
Selama berjalannya kuliah tamu, kondisi perkuliahan terlihat sangat interaktif dimana mahasiswa antusias untuk bertanya mengenai materi ini. Sebelum kuliah berakhir, dua alumni ini pun memberikan kuis untuk melihat sejauh apa pemahaman mahasiswa tentang materi kali ini. Setelahnya, suasana perkuliahan pun semakin pecah ketika menginjak sharing session antara dosen pengampu, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduhdengan alumni yang menceritakan pengalaman unik alumni selama kuliah dari kacamata dosen.
Di akhir, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduhmenyampaikan rasa terimakasih pada alumni yang sudah mau membagikan ilmu yang didapatkan selama bekerja. Alumni sendiri mengatakan bahwa berbagi pengetahuan, pengamatan dan pandangan tentang proses downstream di industri berbasis bio kepada adik-adik Reyasa Hayati adalah suatu kehormatan dan atas keaktifan dan rasa penasaran yang tinggi dari mahasiswa selama kegiatan, alumni ingin memberikan materi yang lebih banyak di kemudian hari. Widya dan Gidry juga berpesan kepada adik-adik Rekayasa Hayati bahwa semoga ilmu yang disampaikan bermanfaat terutama untuk mengerjakan tugas akhir dimana mahasiswa tidak hanya bermodalkan teori dari buku, namun dapat membayangkan seperti apa proses di industri yang akan dihadapi di masa depan.

Penyerahan Cenderamata dari Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh kepada Widya Pratiwi, S.T. dan M. Gidry Abdurrazak, S.T.
Salah satu alumni pun mewakili untuk memberikan harapannya.
“Semoga teman-teman alumni RH dapat kembali untuk sharingdan berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan baik di bidang akademik maupun bidang profesional kerja kepada adik-adik sembari silaturahmi kepada rekan-rekan prodi RH. Dengan sharing tersebut, saya yakin akan memunculkan motivasi serta bayangan di masa depan yang membuat lulusan RH dapat bersaing dengan lulusan jurusan lain di luar sana, karena menurut saya keilmuan RH sangat luas dan sangat diperlukan di dunia kerja. Semoga prodi RH akan semakin maju dan berkembang menuju yang lebih baik dan dapat memperoleh akreditasi internasional nantinya. Aamiin”, tutup Widya.
Semangat![:en]Writer: Fakhira Rifanti M., S.T.

Foto Bersama Kuliah Tamu dari PT Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia
RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID, Jatinangor –Bioengineering Study Program through the Principles of Bioproduct Separation (BE3204) course holds a guest lecture with the theme “Introduction to Filtration and Downstream Technology” in order to gain insight into Bioengineering students about the application of bioseparation principles in the Bioindustry. The lecture held on Tuesday (17/4) was delivered by the Bioengineering alumni, Widya Pratiwi S.T. and M. Gidry Abdurrazak S.T., who works at PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia.
Located in the Seminar Room, Labtek 1A, ITB Jatinangor, the guest lecture was opened with a brief welcome from the course lecturer, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh and continued with a presentation from alumni for 1 hour. In the presentation session, two bioengineering alumni invited students to know more about the 4 main material such as overview downstream process, basic of filtration, an overview of microfiltration and ultrafiltration in biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industry. At the beginning of guest lecture, Widya explained that the filtration process used in all types of bioindustry and the processes that occur in the textbook are quite different from the reality that occurs in bioindustry in 2018. She also emphasized the importance of understanding filtration that will help students when they graduate from the study program and work well in the fields of production, quality control, R & D, marketing or other fields in the biotech industry.

Guest Lecture Presentation Session from Bioengineering Alumni
In the first explanation of the downstream process in bioindustry, Widya provided an initial description of the concrete process of drug production in the field of pharmaceutical and processes in biopharmaceuticals. This explanation helps Bioengineering students in understanding that in order to produce a product, especially bioproducts, it is important to use the filtration process and the whole process through several stages which are quite complicated with supporting facilities. In the next session, Widya explained about the filtration basis such as the importance of knowing the purpose of product separation and filtration equipment that is suitable for filtration purposes by considering the filter size and membrane material. In the microfiltration explanation, Widya provides knowledge about the basic mechanisms of microfiltration and the material used. Widya also advised that Bioengineering students should know these 2 types of material when doing the preliminary design of bioproduction system in Final Project – II later.
“The important thing that students must know is that the 2 types of material used are membrane filters and depth filters. For the Final Project – II, the material must be compatible with the product that we will produce,” said Widya.
The presentation session then ended with an explanation of the ultrafiltration concept in which Widya demonstrated the device in the form of a cartidge filter and capsule filter to show the filtration device worked directly. Widya also gave an interesting explanation about this tool that what was found in the book was different from the one in reality.
“In theory, the type of membrane used in ultrafiltration is hollow fiber or spiral wound. But in reality, in the industry we find the form of a cassette. This cassette serves to separate particles based on molecular weight,” explained Widya.

Guest Lecture Interactive Session
During the guest lecture, the conditions looked very interactive where students were enthusiastic to ask about this course. Before the lecture ended, the two alumni also gave quizzes to see how far the students were understanding about the course in this time. After that, the atmosphere of the lecture was even more interesting when stepping on the sharing session between the course lecturer, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh with alumni who shared the unique experiences of alumni when studied in Bioengineering study program.
At the end, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh expressed his gratitude to the alumni who would like to share the knowledge gained during their work. The alumni themselves said that sharing knowledge, observations and views on the downstream process in bio-based industries to Bioengineering students was an honor and because of high enthusiastic and curiosity from students during the activity, alumni wanted to provide more course later. Widya and Gidry also advised the Bioengineering students that hopefully the knowledge delivered would be useful especially for the final project where students not only capitalize on theories from books, but could imagine what processes in the industry would be faced in the future.

Handover of Souvenirs from Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh to Widya Pratiwi, S.T. and M. Gidry Abdurrazak, S.T.
One of the alumni also represented to give her hope.
“Hopefully, Bioengineering alumni can come back to share and share their experiences and knowledge in both the academic and professional fields of work to the Bioengineering students. With this sharing, I am sure that there will be motivation and shadows in the future that make Bioengineering graduates able to compete with other majors out there, because I think Bioengineering is very broad and very much needed in the world of work. Hopefully the Bioengineering study program will develop towards a better one and can obtain international accreditation later. Aamiin”, closed Widya.
Keep spirit![:]
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