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[:id]SITH-ITB Menerima Kunjungan dari SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:en]SITH-ITB Welcome Visit from SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:]

[:id]SITH-ITB Menerima Kunjungan dari SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:en]SITH-ITB Welcome Visit from SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:]

[:id]SITH-ITB Menerima Kunjungan dari SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:en]SITH-ITB Welcome Visit from SMA DHARMA LOKA Pekanbaru, Riau[:]

[:id]Penulis : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.

JATINANGOR, RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID  – Sebagai bentuk partisipasi pengenalan lingkungan kampus, SITH-ITB kembali menyambut kedatangan SMA Dharma Loka pada hari Selasa (30/1/18) yang bertempat di Gedung Labtek 1A, kampus ITB Jatinangor. Kali ini, tamu yang datang berasal dari daerah Pekanbaru, Riau yang dipimpin oleh Ibu Dessy Pratiwi selaku kepala sekolah dengan membawa rombongan sebanyak 16 siswa. Adapun tujuan kegiatan kunjungan ke SITH ITB yang berjudul “Educo Trip SMA Dharma Loka 2018” ini tidak lain adalah untuk menambah wawasan dan informasi mengenai ITB serta mengenal lingkungan ITB lebih dekat.


Pada kunjungan ini, program studi Rekayasa Hayati ITB berkesempatan memberikan penjelasan tentang ITB secara umum dan Rekayasa Hayati secara khusus yang dikemas dalam beberapa agenda menarik. Selain memperoleh informasi melalui presentasi dan kunjungan tur gedung SITH, siswa SMA Dharma Loka juga mendapatkan Experienced Based Learning melalui kegiatan workshop di laboratorium.

Acara dimulai pada pukul 10.45 di ruang Seminar Gedung Labtek 1A yang diawali dengan sambutan dan presentasi prodi Rekayasa Hayati oleh Bapak M. Yusuf Abduh, ketua program studi Rekayasa Hayati. Di sesi ini, siswa dikenalkan oleh apa itu Rekayasa Hayati, mata kuliah yang diajarkan, prospek kerja hingga kegiatan-kegiatan mahasiswa. Pemaparan kemudian dilanjutkan oleh beberapa mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati yang menampilkan presentasi kreatif tentang salah satu mata kuliah di program studi yaitu Peristiwa Perpindahan Sistem Hayati. Menariknya, presentasi tersebut disampaikan dalam bentuk Role Play dimana beberapa mahasiswa menerangkan peristiwa perpindahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti peristiwa memijat, menyemprot parfum dan sebagainya sambil beradu peran. Melalui presentasi ini, siswa SMA Dharma Loka memperoleh gambaran tentang metoda perkuliahan ITB sekaligus memperoleh pengalaman bahwa mata kuliah yang dianggap sulit ternyata dapat disampaikan dalam bentuk yang lebih sederhana agar mudah dipahami dan diingat.

Selanjutnya, siswa SMA Dharma Loka diajak oleh mahasiswa dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati (HMRH) untuk mengenal lingkungan di ITB melalui tur ke beberapa tempat yaitu Screen House, Laboratorium Rekayasa Sel dan Jaringan Tumbuhan dan Analisis dan Isolasi Bahan Alam. Dalam tur ini, siswa SMA Dharma Loka melihat jenis-jenis fasilitas yang dimiliki SITH ITB dalam menunjang kegiatan perkulian. Selain itu, siswa mendapat penjelasan dari mahasiswa di Laboratorium mengenai tugas akhir yang sedang mereka kerjakan.

Tak berhenti di sana, SITH-ITB juga memfasilitasi siswa SMA Dharma Loka untuk mendapat pengalaman langsung bekerja di laboratorium dalam kegiatan Workshop kultur jaringan tumbuhan dan kultur mikroalga. Pada workshop yang bertempat di Laboratorium Infrastruktur ini, siswa dibimbing oleh 3 dosen Rekayasa Hayati yaitu Bapak Neil Priharto, Ibu Annisa Ratna Nurillah dan Bapak Khairul Hadi beserta 11 orang mahasiswa sebagai asisten. Acara dimulai dengan pengenalan laboratorium dan penjelasan Safety Induction oleh Bapak Khairul Hadi. Hal ini bertujuan agar siswa mengetahui keadaan dan aturan sebelum bekerja di Laboratorium. Setelahnya, siswa SMA Dharma Loka belajar tentang teknik kultur jaringan tanaman tembakau (Nicotiana tobacum) yaitu penanaman eksplan ke medium dan kegiatan pengamatan jaringan tumbuhan melalui mikroskop. Disamping itu, siswa juga dibimbing dalam mengkultur mikroalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa dari tahap isolasi, inokulasi sampai scale up. Sepanjang kegiatan, siswa SMA Dharma Loka terlihat antusias mencoba hal baru yang belum mereka dapatkan ketika di bangku sekolah. Melihat hal tersebut, rasa senang pun disampaikan oleh kepala sekolah SMA Dharma Loka.

“Pengalaman dari sini sesuai dengan yang kami ingin dapatkan. Siswa tidak hanya sekedar diberikan sosialisasi atau seminar tapi mendapat experience langsung. Saya berterima kasih kepada SITH-ITB yang membantu siswa praktik langsung dengan alat yang memadai dan diajari langsung oleh ahlinya. Mungkin pengalaman ini tidak bisa kami dapatkan ketika pulang”, ujar Ibu Dessy.

Ibu Dessy menjelaskan keingintahuannya terhadap jurusan Rekayasa Hayati ITB, jurusan baru dan satu-satunya yang ada di Indonesia. Beliau juga berpendapat bahwa betapa pentingnya pengenalan jurusan terhadap siswa SMA karena hal tersebut berperan besar dalam pemilihan jurusan nantinya. Menurut beliau, kendala saat ini, siswa sering kali memilih jurusan yang mudah tanpa mengetahui kecocokan dan kesesuaian bagi mereka. Dengan menambah wawasan dan mencoba hal baru tentang jurusan, siswa akan mendapatkan opsi jurusan baru sehingga diharapkan membantu memutuskan jurusan, tidak hanya memilih jurusan yang sudah umum.

“Siswa berpikir teknik itu susah dan sesuatu yang sangat complicated. Saya senang ketika ada display presentasi kreatif dari mahasiswa ITB. Menurut saya menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga ketakutan terhadap jurusan teknik di siswa tidak muncul duluan”, tambah Ibu Dessy.

Kegiatan kunjungan kali ini kemudian diakhiri dengan sesi diskusi singkat, penyerahan cenderamata dan foto bersama. Harapannya, semoga kampus ITB tetap bersedia membukakan pintu bagi para siswa SMA yang ingin mengenal lebih lanjut tentang ITB.

[:en]Writer : Fakhira Rifanti Maulana, S.T.

JATINANGOR, RH.SITH.ITB.AC.ID  – SITH-ITB welcomed the arrival of Dharma Loka Senior High School as a way to participate in introducing campus environment on Tuesday (30/1/18), at Labtek 1A Building, ITB Jatinangor campus. This time, the guests came from the Pekanbaru, Riau, led by Ms. Dessy Pratiwi as headmistress, joined with a group of 16 students. The visit to SITH ITB entitled “Educo Trip SMA Dharma Loka 2018” purpose is none other than adding insights and information about ITB and getting to know more about the ITB environment.


On this visit, ITB’s Bioengineering Study Program had the opportunity to provide explanations on ITB in general and Bioengineering in particular, whis was summarized in several interesting agendas. Students of Dharma Loka Senior High School not only received information through presentations and guided tours of the SITH building, but also received experiential-based learning through laboratory workshops.

The program began at 10.45 A.M. in the Labtek 1A Seminar Room, which began with a speech and presentation of the Bioengineering Study Program by Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh, Chairman of the Bioengineering Study Program. During this session, students are introduced to what Bioengineering is, the courses taught, job prospects, to students’ activities. The presentation was then continued by some of Bioengineering students who presented creative presentations on one of the curriculum courses, namely the Biological System Transfer Phenomena. Interestingly, the presentation was conducted as a role play, in which several students explained the transfer phenomena in daily life, such as massaging, spraying perfume, etc. while playing roles. With this presentation, the students from Dharma Loka Senior High School have an overview of the ITB lecture method while gaining experience that the courses considered difficult can be delivered in a simpler form, making them easier to understand and memorize.

Furthermore, students of Himpunan Mahasiswa Rekayasa Hayati (HMRH) invited Dharma Loka Senior High School students to learn about the environment at ITB by visiting several locations, namely Screen House, Plant Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory, and Analysis and Insulation of Natural Materials Laboratory. In this tour, Dharma Loka Senior High School students see the types of facilities provided by SITH ITB to support class activities. In addition, students receive an explanation from students in the Laboratory about the final project they are working on.

It did not stop there, SITH-ITB also facilitated the students of Dharma Loka Senior High School to gain hands-on experience working in a lab through plant tissue culture and microalgae culture workshop. In the workshop held at the Infrastructure Laboratory, students were guided by three lecturers of Bioengineering Program, Mr. Neil Priharto, Ms. Annisa Ratna Nurillah, and Mr. Khairul Hadi along with 11 students as assistans. The workshop began with the introduction to the laboratory and the explanation of safety induction by Mr. Khairul Hadi. It is intended that the students know the conditions and rules before working in the Laboratory. Subsequently, students from Dharma Loka Senior High School learned about the techniques of cultivating plant tissue of tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum), namely planting the explants to a medium and observed plant tissue activities through a microscope. In addition, students are also guided in the cultivation of the Chlorella pyrenoidosa microalgae from the isolation stage, inoculation stage, to scale-up stage. Throughout the activities, students of Dharma Loka Senior High School seemed enthusiastic about trying new things that they do not get in school. Seeing this, the headmistress of Dharma Loka Senior High School conveyed the feeling of pleasure.

“The experience that we get here met our needs. Students not only receive presentation or seminars, but also have direct experience. I thank SITH-ITB for helping students practice directly with appropriate tools and be taught directly by experts. Perhaps we can not give this experience when we go home,” said Ms. Dessy.

Ms. Dessy explained her curiosity about the ITB’s Bioengineering Program, the first and only program in Indonesia. She also believes that it is important to introduce the program to high school students due to the fact that it plays a major role in the selection of majors later. According to her, current constraints is that students often choose easy majors without knowing their suitability and relevance. Adding insights and trying new things about the program gives students the option of a new study program that hopefully help the students to decide what major they will take, and in the end they will not just choose the common study program.

“Students think that engineering is difficult and very complicated. I am happy to see there is creative presentation from ITB students. I think it is interesting and fun, so the fear of engineering major among the students do not show,” Ms. Dessy added.

The visit ended by a brief discussion session, souvenirs handing, and picture taking. Hopefully, ITB is willing to open doors for high school students who want to know more about ITB.


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